Specific Gravity Test for Determining The Purity of Essential Oils
Essential oils have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their various therapeutic and aromatic properties. However, with the growing demand for essential oils, there has also been an increase in adulterated or low-quality products in the market. Ensuring the purity of essential oils is crucial to maintain their effectiveness and safety. One of the commonly used tests for assessing the purity of essential oils is the specific gravity test.
Specific gravity is the density associated with water and often referred as relative density [1]. In the context of essential oils, the specific gravity test helps determine the relative density of an oil compared to water. This information can provide valuable insights into the quality and purity of the essential oil being tested [2].
These specific gravity readings are measured at a certain temperature and pressure, as the two factors can affect the measurement. The specific gravity of oil is inversely proportional to temperature, therefore when the temperature decreases, the specific gravity value will increase.
Specific Gravity and Density
Specific gravity of a sample can be described as ratio of density of a sample to the density of water, both taken at the same temperature and pressure. Density itself is defined as the mass of a unit volume of material at certain temperature and has dimensions of gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) [3].
The density of water is practically one, which means that one liter (L) of water weighs one kilogram (kg) and vice versa. Any oil that is lighter than water, when mixed with water, will be separated. Most essential oils are lighter dan water and cannot mix with water, so the top layer of oil will be seen [1].
In order to determine the specific gravity of an essential oil under test, the oil, which is known the volume, is filled in a bottle and weighed accurately. However, at PT Mitra Ayu, we use automatic density meter to get the accurate specific gravity value. The instrument only need a small amount of sample, about 5 mL, and the result is ready in less than a minute.
It is important to note that the specific gravity test is just one tool among several that can be used to assess the purity of essential oils. Other tests, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, organoleptic evaluation, and sensory testing, are often employed in combination to obtain a comprehensive analysis of the oil's quality.
In conclusion, the specific gravity test is a valuable tool for assessing the purity of essential oils. By comparing the specific gravity of an oil with the expected range, it is possible to identify adulteration or dilution. However, it is essential to use this test in conjunction with other analytical methods to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of an essential oil's quality. Ensuring the purity of essential oils is not only crucial for obtaining the desired therapeutic benefits but also for maintaining consumer trust and safety in the market.
For more information about the Specific Gravity test at PT MITRA AYU, please contact us at info@ptmitraayu.com or send us a message here.