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A Short Review of Lemongrass vs Citronella: Plants and Essential Oils

Indonesia has many aromatic plants that is widely extracted for producing essential oils such as lemongrass, citronella, lime orange, cinnamon, frankincense, sandalwood, etc. [1]. Having a similar plant name, lemongrass oil and citronella Oil are both an essential oil obtained from the genus of Cymbopogon plants. Both plants have long-thin leaves and are widely cultivated around Asia, America, and Africa [2]. Although they are from the same genus of Cymbopogon plants and a native tropical grass of Asia, lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon citratus) and citronella oil (Cymbopogon nardus) are not quite the same.

What makes them different?


The plant of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) has green base stems while the citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) has red (magenta) base stems. Lemongrass plants can grow up to two feet tall whereas citronella can grow up to six feet tall. The root system of citronella plants is more extensive compared to lemongrass plants.

Oil Composition

Lemongrass oil contains large amount of geranial (30-45%) and neral (30-45%), and small amount of geraniol, while citronella oil contains large amount citronellal (25-60%), followed with geraniol, citronellol, limonene, and citronellyl acetate [2]. Geranial and neral, known as citral, have been recognized as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe), hence the uses of lemongrass oil is very widespread especially in food and beverages application [3] compared to citronella oil which contains higher concentration of citronellal.


The words “lemon” in lemongrass oil denotes lemon aroma, which is greatly affected by the presence of citral [2]. Both lemongrass oil and citronella oil possess a citrusy and lemony scent. However, citronellal in citronella oil has been described to have a citrus-like odor with less sweet and fruity than citral in lemongrass oil [4].


Lemongrass oil and Citronella oil have several applications. Both can be used in fragrance and perfumery, cosmetic and skin care as well as essential oils, medicine and aromatherapy. Lemongrass is widely used in flavor, while Citronella oil can be found in many natural insect repellent. Below is the summary of different applications for Lemongrass oil and Citronella oil.


Lemongrass Oil

Citronella Oil




Fragrance and perfumery



Home cooking



Essential oils, medicine aromatherapy



Insect repellent

Not really


Cosmetic, skin care



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